March 28, 2024: Meiling's study on pressure impacts on bentonite organic matter is published in Applied Geochemistry.
March 1, 2024: Atzin and Isla receive CERA Travel Awards to present their work at the Goldschmidt 2024 meeting. Congratulations!
February 8, 2024: Erico successfully defends his thesis. Congratulations Dr. Erico Oliveira Pereira!
February 1, 2024: The group welcomes Dr. Biwei Yang. Dr. Yang will be working on different facets of soil carbon molecular biogeochemistry.
November 3, 2023: Atzin, Isla, and Meiling visit the Harvard Forest LTER
October 2-5, 2023: Erico and Salwa present their research findings at the Canadian Ecotoxicology Workshop in Ottawa.
October 3, 2023: Meiling's study on dynamics of soil organic matter in varying agroecosystems is accepted for publication in Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta.
September 14, 2023: Congratulations Isla for passing the oral comprehensive exam!!
August 2, 2023: Congratulations to Isla and Gloria - recipients of the QEII and OGS scholarships respectively. Amazing!
July 28, 2023: Phoebe's study on heat and salinity impacts on bentonite organic matter is published in Applied Geochemistry.
July 5, 2023: Lisa's study on Daphnia exposure to industrial effluents is published in Environmental Research.
June 2023: Double doctor! Lisa and Phoebe successfully complete the PhD program. Congratulations to Dr. Labine and Dr. Tong.
May 8-11 2023: Group members attend the annual Environmental Chemistry Colloquium at UofT.
May 1, 2023: The group welcomes three undergraduate researchers for the first time since the summer of 2019! Welcome Aarushi, Andrei and Zeinab!
February 16, 2023: Erico's study on phthalate pollutant impacts to Daphnia magna metabolism is accepted for publication in Aquatic Toxicology.
February 14, 2023: Myrna is the recipient of the C.C. Patterson Medal from the Geochemical Society.
December 22, 2022: Phoebe's work on MX-80 bentonite organic matter stability with radiation and heat exposure is accepted for publication in Applied Clay Science.
December 19, 2022: Myrna is the recipient of the Environment Division Research and Development Dima Award from the Chemical Institute of Canada.
December 11-16, 2022: Atzin, Meiling, Phoebe, Isla, and Myrna attend the Fall AGU meeting.
November 13-17, 2022: Erico and Lisa present their research findings at the North America SETAC meeting.
November 4, 2022: Lisa's study on the impacts of PFAS with different chain lengths and functionality on Daphnia magna is accepted for publication in Environmental Toxicology & Chemistry.
September 28, 2022: Laura and collaborators publish the first molecular-level synthesis about soil carbon in litter manipulated forests in Global Change Biology.
September 6, 2022: The group welcomes new graduate students Gloria Gao and James Neurauter!
August 22, 2022: Erico is awarded a CERA travel grant to attend the 2022 SETAC North America meeting. Congratulations!
August 15, 2022: Phoebe is awarded the Ontario Graduate Scholarship for a second consecutive year. Congratulations Phoebe!
July 21, 2022: Congratulations to Meiling for successfully defending her PhD thesis. Well done Dr. Man!
June 29, 2022: Congratulations to Iuliana Stoica for completing the MSc in Chemistry!
June 1, 2022: Lisa's latest work on PFAS sub-lethal exposure to Daphnia is published in Environmental Research.
June 8, 2022: A new NWMO-NSERC Alliance project with U of Waterloo and McMaster University is funded to study microbial and chemical processes that may occur with nuclear waste storage.
May 30-31, 2022: Atzin, Isla, Iuliana, Lisa and Myrna attend the UofT Environmental Chemistry Colloquium.
April 19, 2022 & May 13, 2022: Double whammy publications for Meiling in Agriculture, Ecosystems & the Environment and Biogeochemistry.
February 1, 2022: Dr. Laura Castañeda Gómez is awarded a CERA postdoctoral scholarship for 2 years. Congratulations Laura!
January 3, 2022: The group welcomes Nivetha Srikanthan. She is the group's new research laboratory technician. Welcome Nivetha!
December 13-17, 2021: Isla, Iuliana, Laura, Meiling, Phoebe and Usman present their work at the AGU Fall Meeting.
November 16, 2021: A new joint PhD program with our group and Prof. Suzie Reichman at the University of Melbourne is available for September 2022.
September 30, 2021: Erico's study on bisphenol pollutants and their impacts on Daphnia is published in Metabolites.
September 7. 2021: The group welcomes new graduate students Salwa and Atzin!
July 22, 2021: Congratulations to Lisa and Phoebe! Both have been awarded the Ontario Graduate Scholarship for the 2021-22 academic year. Well done!
June 8, 2021: Environmental NMR Centre researchers are recognized by the Royal Society of Chemistry Analytical Division Horizon Prize:
Sir George Stokes Award.
May 21, 2021: Phoebe's study on dissolved organic matter composition in varying ecosystems and land management practices is published in ACS Earth and Space Chemistry.
March 8, 2021: The group welcomes a new postdoctoral fellow, Dr. Laura Castañeda Gómez.
Februrary 5, 2021: Lisa's study on sub-lethal exposure of disenfection by-products to Daphnia magna is published in Metabolites.
Februrary 3, 2021: Group toques arrive with our new lab logo.
January 29, 2021: Meiling's study on long-term tillage and crop rotational diversity is published in Soil and Tillage Research.
December 27, 2020: Meiling's paper on nitrogen fertilzation in agroecosystems is published in Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment.
Dec 1-17, 2020: Myrna, Meiling, Phoebe and Usman present organic matter biogochemistry research at the AGU Fall meeting.
November 25, 2020: Usman's study on natural organic matter heterogeneity in bentonite clays is accepted for publication in Organic Geochemistry.
October 19, 2020: Our latest work on biomass-clay interactions is accepted for publication in ACS Earth and Space Chemistry.
September 7, 2020: The group welcomes new graduate students Iuliana, and Isla.
August 28, 2020: Phoebe passes her PhD proposal defense! Congratulations Phoebe!
August 27, 2020: Erico passes his PhD proposal defense! Congratulations Erico!
August 12, 2020: Nahidha takes over the UTSC Co-op Instragram account and highlights her internship.
August 10, 2020: Official announcement of Myrna's Canada Research Chair.
July 31 2020: Dr. Tae-Yong Jeong finishes his Postdoctoral fellowship and starts an Assistant Professor position at Hankuk University of Foreign Studies in South Korea.
June 25, 2020: Lori completes her MSc in Chemsitry. Congratulations!
June 23, 2020: Tae-Yong's study on endocrine disruption in Daphnia magna is accepted for publication in Water Research.
May 20, 2020: Tae-Yong's latest study on PFOS exposure and bioaccumulation in Daphnia magna is published in CBPD.
May 5, 2020: Lisa passes the Oral Comprehensive Exam in Chemistry. Congratulations Lisa!
May 4, 2020: The group welcomes Nahidha Jauhar and Shannon Oliphant for the summer.
April 24, 2020: Sophia completes her MSc thesis and Stephen finishes his CHMD90 project. Congratulations!
April 8, 2020: The group adjusts to meetings during COVID-19 shutdown.
March 6, 2020: Lisa's review article in Current Opinion in Environmental Science & Health is published.
November 29, 2019: Tae-Yong's latest work is featured in the UofT News.
November 4-7, 2019: Tae-Yong presents a poster and a talk at the North American SETAC meeting.
November 1, 2019: Dr. Todd Longbottom joins the group as a new postdoctoral fellow.
September 25, 2019: Tae-Yong's study on how reproduction controls the Daphnia metabolome is accepted for publication in ES&T.
September 3, 2019: Emily Blackaby joins the group as a new PhD student. Stephen also rejoins the group as a CHMD90 research student.
August 31, 2019: Tae-Yong's latest work is accepted for publication in Water Research.
August 13, 2019: Vera defends her PhD thesis. Congratulations Dr. Kovacevic!
May 6-7, 2019: Just a few chemists meet for the annual Environmental Chemistry Colloquium @UofT.
May 5, 2019: The group welcomes NSERC USRA recipient Stephen Ye for the summer.
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